You probably understand that police must read you your rights after they place you under arrest and before they question you. These are your Miranda rights, a nickname that refers to the U.S. Supreme Court case that decided some of the rules for police interrogation....
Month: April 2020
What’s the purpose of drug court?
It used to be quite common for Ohio drug crimes defendants to sentenced to long prison terms if they've been convicted of such offenses. No one used to care if a defendant got the help that they needed to kick their substance abuse habit. A lot has changed in recent...
What exactly is money laundering?
Money laundering is a crime. It involves someone taking money that they secured from engaging in some type of illicit activity, mixing it with legitimately sourced funds then reinvesting that intermingled currency back into the original, illegitimate source.Electronic...
Bankruptcy fraud requires intent to conceal assets
With the downturn of the economy in recent times, people are starting to have financial troubles. This might lead to some realizing that they aren't able to make ends meet. Some might decide that they need to file for bankruptcy. If you're in this position, remember...
Circumstances can determine outcome of drug paraphernalia charges
People who manufacture, sell or use drugs usually have drug paraphernalia in their possession. Some people might not realize that they can face criminal charges for this drug paraphernalia even if they don't have drugs.This can be a rather complex area of the law...