Seeing police officers at one's doors may be overwhelming and give people the impression they must answer every question posed to them, but this is not the case. When someone is under suspicion for committing a crime, they have rights they can exercise, including the...
Month: April 2018
What constitutes bribery?
There is often a thin line between staying within the confines of the law and breaking it. If one is not sure where the line is, it can be quite easy to commit a crime that one was not even aware. For example, getting favorable treatment from someone is not a crime...
What constitutes probable cause?
Much has been said about there being constitutional guarantees for people suspected of committing a crime, and that there must be probable cause before someone can be arrested. But, what does this mean for Ohio residents? The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution...
Beware of that stock tip, you could be accused of insider trading
Are you among the millions of people across the country, including many here in Ohio, who wish they could go back in time and invest in companies like AT&T, Google or Microsoft before those companies hit it big? If only you could find a company that could explode...
Alleged drug ringleader has history of run-ins with law
It is an unfortunate reality of the criminal justice system that once someone has a brush in with police authorities, they find themselves in the crosshairs again and again, whether or not the original charges were dropped. If an individual even has misdemeanor...