Working in the health care industry puts you in contact with a lot of people, a lot of money and a lot of controlled substances. As a result, many people in your profession receive a great deal of respect, and others often hold you and other medical professionals to a...
Month: July 2019
Could I be charged with drug possession for prescription drugs?
When people think of drug crimes, they often think of possessing or distributing illegal substances, such as cocaine, LSD and heroin. However, possessing any drug without a prescription can result in criminal charges. In fact, with the prevalence of prescription drug...
Tax evasion and tax fraud are serious crimes in Ohio
Taxes are generally due on April 15th each year, and failure to pay them could result in criminal prosecution. Under Ohio Rev. Code Sec. 5747.15, a person who fails to file a tax return or purposely underpays their taxes may be charged with tax evasion, while a person...
We can help defend against fraud charges
Anyone involved in any sort of business transaction is at risk of facing fraud charges. It is easy for someone to accuse one of obtaining another's money or property, or using that money or property for unlawful purposes or personal gain. Signing someone else's name...
Two Ohio residents face drug charges
According to Ohio law, any person who knowingly possesses a controlled substance can face serious consequences, including fines and jail time. However, many people charged with drug crimes are often charged with additional crimes for resisting arrest or otherwise...
Authorities severely punish illegal dumping
Perhaps one of the highest costs you deal with in your business is fees for disposing of unwanted materials. This may be especially expensive if your business deals with old tires, large buckets of paint or other hazardous items. While residents with a few tires or a...