Facing criminal charges of any kind is a serious threat to your future. If convicted, you could end up behind bars, paying expensive fines and dealing with the fallout that comes with damage to your personal reputation. Long-term, a conviction can impact things that...
Month: August 2019
Defending against identity theft charges
The use of online banking, e-mail, social media, and the internet in general has made identity theft a highly prosecuted crime over the past couple of decades. The crime of identity theft requires that someone steals another person's identity by using their personal...
Common forms of white collar crime
Ohio residents have a responsibility to conduct their business with integrity and honesty. When a person commits a crime to make some extra cash, they may be charged with a white collar crime. The type of crime they are charged with will depend on the type of fraud...
Ohio man faces criminal charges for cashing fraudulent checks
Check fraud of any kind can result in serious criminal penalties in our state. Purposely writing a bad check, signing another person's name to a check or knowingly attempting to cash a fraudulent check are all forms of fraud that may be punishable by a fine or jail...
What is a “reasonable expectation of privacy?”
Police officers in Ohio will often search for drugs on someone's person, in their homes or in their vehicles. The Fourth Amendment protects people against illegal search and seizures in many areas. However, it is important to note that the Fourth Amendment does not...
Forgery is a serious crime in Ohio
Signing someone else's name on a legal document, creating a fake ID or presenting a forged check to be cashed, could all be charged as the white collar crime called forgery. Under Ohio Revised Code, Section 2913.31, forgery can be classified as a misdemeanor or...