If you work in the financial industry, you might become an unwitting and unwilling participant in a money-laundering scheme. Criminal organizations often turn to financial advisers to "wash" their money obtained through criminal activity. An investigation by either...
Month: February 2017
Different types of drug crimes in Ohio
Drug crimes, like violent crimes, are of different levels and each level carries with it different penalties. Substances are listed in schedules, depending on various factors such as the potential for abuse and the charges are dependent on the schedule the substance...
The Fourth Amendment and probable cause
When people are arrested, they often forget that they are innocent until proven guilty and that the U.S. Constitution provides them with certain guarantees that cannot be taken away. One of those rights is enshrined in the Fourth Amendment, which protects people from...
Fighting back against charges of white collar crimes
Since white collar crimes seem like victimless crimes, many in Cincinnati don't take the charges seriously. For example, when a violent crime is committed, the victim and their injuries can be identified and therefore charges stemming from those crimes are considered...
What are the elements of embezzlement?
As mentioned last week on this blog, regardless of the amount of money involved, embezzlement is a crime. But what exactly is embezzlement and what needs to be demonstrated in order to prove it in court?Embezzlement is when one person fraudulently takes someone's...