Drug use across Ohio changes from year to year and even between generations. Social trends and overall availability play a major role in the prohibited drugs that people want to use and can purchase on the unregulated market. People also abuse items that they can legally purchase at the store, like certain over-the-counter medications.
Alcohol is the drug that people report using the most in Ohio, and such use is often legal provided that the people involved are over the age of 21 and behaving responsibly. However, there are many other prohibited, mind-altering substances that a significant portion of individuals use in Ohio currently, as well as controlled substances that people abuse.
What are the current drug trends in Ohio?
Ecstasy, hallucinogens, and ketamine are the least popular
There was a time not that long ago when ecstasy, also called e, MDMA or Molly, was one of the most popular prohibited drugs. These days, only a tiny subset of people report using MDMA. Hallucinogens including LSD and ketamine are similarly unpopular, possibly due to how hard they can be to obtain.
Methamphetamine is the most popular illicit drug
Those using drugs in Ohio often turn to methamphetamine. It is the second most popular substance after alcohol. The next most popular is crack cocaine, followed by fentanyl, marijuana and prescription medications.
Law enforcement experts across the state warned that they have discovered fentanyl contaminating many drugs across the state. Given the possibility of an overdose, that is certainly reason for concern for those buying any kind of powdered or crystalline drug. The more widely used certain substances are, the more likely law enforcement agencies are to focus on those substances when looking for sources of distribution and even targeting individual users.
Those manufacturing and distributing methamphetamine or passing along prescription medication to others are at elevated risk of encountering law enforcement and facing major penalties after an arrest. Those accused of drug offenses can mount various defense strategies depending on the type of drug crime the state has accused them of possessing and the evidence that the state has against them.
Understanding what drives law enforcement priorities when it comes to drug policy will help you minimize your risk of drug charges or choose them more effective defense strategy.