Addiction can start in many ways – often with a medical condition. Those who develop an addiction because of treatment for an illness or injury may still lead normal lives despite their chemical dependence.
These people struggling with addiction still contribute to society. They hold jobs and take care of their families until they get arrested and face possible incarceration. Going to jail doesn’t help break the cycle of addiction.
In fact, it might put someone at greater risk for future addiction behaviors and criminal infractions. Is it possible for those accused of a drug crime in Ohio to avoid jail and other long-term criminal consequences?
Everyone accused of a crime has the right to a defense
Some people have a better position to aggressively defend against their charges. Maybe police mistook you for someone else or violated your rights during their investigation.
There could be many ways for you to present a defense in court, such as challenging evidence or presenting alternative explanations for what happened before your arrest. Partnering with a defense attorney soon after your arrest can improve your chances of success.
Those struggling with addiction can sometimes go through the drug courts
The Ohio drug courts are a way to keep non-violent offenders out of the standard criminal justice system and give them a chance to reform their lives.
Going through a drug court might involve completion of substance abuse treatment and probation. However, those who complete all of the terms set by the drug courts may be able to avoid incarceration or even a permanent criminal record. Those facing drug charges should explore these and other ways to limit the impact of those charges on their future with their attorney.