Many people believe that white-collar crimes are victimless. Unlike theft or robbery, where the victim is identifiable, embezzlement or money laundering doesn’t target a specific person. This is Ohio residents may think the penalties associated with it are lenient, but this is not the case. White-collar crimes are treated very seriously by the authorities and often give rise to monetary fines and imprisonment.
Falsifying documents is a type of white-collar crime that involves changing or modifying a document for the purpose of deceiving someone. Intentional falsification of records includes making a false statement in any record that is kept. Additionally, it could include distributing copies of the falsified documents, including security programs, access mediums or identification mediums.
Though any type of official form or document can be falsified, tax returns and income statements are commonly done, usually in conjunction with the broader crime of tax evasion. In addition to this, checks, bank account records, immigration documents and identification cards are often falsified. Ways in which documents are commonly altered is by forging a signature, stating false information where accurate is required, using a letterhead without authorization or knowingly distributing or using a false account.
In order to be found guilty of the crime of falsifying documents, criminal intent must be demonstrated. Without this, the prosecution cannot prove its case. This is why when someone is facing charges relating to this crime, they should consider devising a legal strategy that attacks all aspects of the prosecution’s case, including the element of intent.