If you have had charges leveled against you relating to drug crimes, you likely want to defend against those allegations. While you may believe that your criminal defense should solely rely on your denying all charges, an effective defense can encompass various strategies. Therefore, you may wish to consider how you want to approach your case, starting with your story.
Your story essentially involves your account of the situation that led to authorities filing criminal drug charges against you. Three types of stories commonly come up when an individual discusses this type of predicament: a confession story, a complete denial story and an admit and explain story. The story you choose to tell will depend heavily on your circumstances.
Confession story
A confession story may seem fairly self explanatory. If you choose to confess to the allegations brought against you, you will admit to your legal counsel that you committed the crime of which you have been accused. For instance, if you have had drug possession charge brought against you, you could potentially choose to tell your attorney that you were indeed knowingly and unlawfully in possession of drugs.
Complete denial story
As the opposite of a confession story, a complete denial story means that you refute the allegations brought against you. This means that you would state that you did not possess any drugs and do not understand why the charges came about. In most cases, a complete denial story comes with an alibi, which you can also recount to bolster your denial of the charges.
Admit and explain story
A mixture of the two previous types of stories is known as an admit and explain story. If you have been accused of drug possession but can justify why you had legal possession of the drugs — such as holding a prescription for a friend — you may have reason to tell an admit and explain story. In some cases, your explanation may give enough reason to cast doubt on whether the charges truly apply.
Speaking with your legal counsel
When telling whichever story best suits your circumstances, you may wish to remember that in order to effectively use your story in your defense, discussing the matter with your legal counsel first may work in your best interests. By having an Ohio attorney on your side, you can work together to understand the situation and determine what defense strategies may best suit your circumstances.