Everyone seems to have a sense of what a criminal defense lawyer is like. They picture someone who skirts the boundaries of the law, sometimes crosses it, and has few scrupples. Most people seem to think the lawyers who represent accused persons were at the lower end of law school graduation rolls. They could not find another job so they stooped down to represent the criminals among us. Then they meet one. Then they need one. Or a family member needs one. Then they are “god sent”.
There are lawyers who have made multiple appearances before our Supreme Court changing the legal landscape arguing for protections for all of us both in and out of the court. There are lawyers who toll in the police courts, misdemeanor courts representing low level cases. There are those who represent politicians, corporations and very rich folks. And there are those in between. You will find “cause” lawyers who take on the unlikeable clients, those who are in court because of their believe system or activities attempting to affect change. First it was things like the Viet Nam war, then nuclear power, the Iraq war, the enviroment or otther worthy causes. Lawyers specialize in helping those attempting to move the dialogue or change policies and laws.
The bottom line is all defense lawyers are not alike. Just like any other profession.
For an interesting blog on this same topic click here