We strongly suggest you consider a lawyer who specializes in criminal defense. If you have general medical issues you will see a general practitioner. But once an issue is identified, you are referred to a specialist. This is for two reasons; the specialist normally has additional training in this area and he/she has a good chance to stay up to date on all the advances of the specialty. We believe the same is true of lawyers.
Many lawyers advertise they will represent people on a wide variety of areas of the law. We think that is extremely hard to do for most. Every area of law is constantly changing with new procedures being put into place, new rules and always new court decisions to become familiar with if one is expected to do a good job for a client. The areas have grown so much the courts handling matters are in separate buildings with separate procedures and rules. Domestic Relations, Juvenile, Appellate, and Criminal cases are all in different courthouses in Hamilton, Warren, Clermont and Butler Counties. It is tough for a lawyer to know all these judges, clerks, and other personell, their likes and dislikes and keep up with all the changes associated with each.
We believe lawyers who specialize in the area of law they practice have a greater likelihood to know the judges better, have more interaction with the police and prosecutors and be more up to date with all the rules, cases and procedures. We believe lawyers who specialize stand in a better position to get you better results.